Exciting news! Our server is about to revolutionize the culinary experience. Venture into the wild and collect ingredients from blocks like grass, mushroom stems, tall grass, and leaves. But that's not all—combine these simple elements to create advanced ingredients such as butter, cheese, and curry using custom utensils like mixing bowls, bakeware, and pots.
Prepare for a feast! We're introducing new recipes like cakes, muffins, pizzas, and more. These delicious options provide higher hunger point refills and a satisfying saturation buff. Elevate your hunger-fighting prowess and indulge in these scrumptious culinary delights.
Join us on this flavorful adventure as you gather, mix, and craft your way to culinary mastery. The kitchen beckons, so grab your utensils and let your creativity simmer! 🍴✨
Check out the wiki for more information!
Release Date: 4/6/2023 12 PM